“You Left an Imprint on me” is a collection of 8in by 8in wood panel works that I started in the Summer of 2020 as a way to use my art practice to process these difficult years ahead and gain a closer connection to my current home. In each I am inspired by the physical surroundings of my current home of Washington State and learning from those who leave their mark here. Every plant, place, and person seen below is something or someone that lives close to me. How I look at the word “home” is shaping. The new world has demanded each of us to stay closer to home, transforming the environments I normally pass by without much of a thought into the places I am bound to. I am both frustrated and comforted by the places I am bound to during this time. But, as I take notice of the changes of leaves, flowers, bodies of water, etc. at a new height than before I find solace in knowing I am apart of the environment that has and is always changing.
Blue hues embody blueprints to navigate from, drawn faces are hard-set with determination of our time, and in a blossoming tree I see each day what once was speckled with fragile petals becomes sharp with pointed swords. Within disorder I find hope, beside turmoil I search for grace, and in each day I seek guidance from those who traverse the complex moments between birth and death alongside me.